Miracle Network

Video Gallery

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Miracle Networks 30th Anniversary Slide Show (2024)

Faces and events, A Course in Miracles teachers, students and team members, from 30 years of the Miracle Network.

Kenneth & Gloria Wapnick, Interviewed by Ian Patrick (Sept 1998)

Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick were presidents of the Foundation for A Course in Miracles till their deaths in 2013 and 2022. Ken authored 30 books on ACIM, produced more than 225 audio and video recordings, taught countless classes and workshops, and wrote about the Course for more than 35 years. This interview was intended for publication in Miracle Worker magazine and not, originally, for broadcasting – hence the sound is not studio quality. In 2022, Ian found the tapes, converted the recording to a digital .mp3 file and added photos of Ken and Gloria to produce this slideshow video.

Our Favourite ACIM Lessons Set to Music

The Miracle Network team chose their favourite ACIM lessons, prior to the July 2021 conference, ‘Lessons We Love’. Here is a compliation of musical versions of their choices. Thanks to James Twyman and Neda Boin.

A rare recording of the voice of Helen Schucman

Helen Schucman describes the ‘Voice’, which revealed ACIM to her. This rough, 13-minute recording by James Bolen, is more of a casual chat with Helen, rather than a formal interview. It was recorded at a party in California in 1976 (you can hear music, voices and the clink of glasses in the background).

Online meditation with Nick Arandes

Recorded 29th April 2020.
Free online meditations take place weekly on Zoom, Wednesdays, 10 – 10.45am. Link: https://zoom.us/j/5071748173 (no password required).

Carol Howe on Happiness

Carol Howe brings wisdom to the subject of happiness and describes how it arises from dispassionately noticing your thoughts, through conscious awareness, and experiencing the peace that follows.

Larry Glenz’s Experience of the Course

Larry Glenz talks about his experience with ACIM and how it has radically changed his life.