Lia Steinson: ‘Be the Presence of Love’ Event Video (2hr 28min)


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Workshop with Lia Steinson

What if we envisioned ourselves as being, at all times, the Presence of Love? What if we really got it that all we need to do is give up judgement, in all its forms, to exchange our attack thoughts for the still, quiet voice of love in every situation?

The result would be that the world we see would disappear, because there would be no fear, guilt or illusion. We would experience the forgiven world, a beautiful world, filled with love, peace and joy, radiant with wonder, ready for God to take the final step.

In this workshop, let us find our courage, belief, wisdom, dedication, knowledge and, above all, powerful motivation – so we transcend the ego’s darkness and go home together into the light, while sharing teachings, meditation, self-enquiry, song and oneness.

Lia Steinson is an experienced, passionate, funny, warm and inspiring A Course in Miracles teacher – and a happy learner, too. Her workshops, groups and retreats are profound, yet lighthearted, wise but innocent and joyful. Lia is a professional Life Counsellor, from a Course perspective, and she walks her talk. For info on her events, contact her at

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